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Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban 2004 Hd Dvdrip Bluray Avi


With the Harry Potter series just over 10 years old, there are plenty of fans still discovering this fantastic world. The Prisoner of Azkaban is arguably the best out of all 7 books and movies in the series (yes, I'm looking at you, Deathly Hallows Part 2), which makes it a perfect movie for someone who's new to this gateway into our magical world. It's not too long and doesn't require extreme patience; it also has great characters and memorable storylines that make it hard to put down for very long periods of time. So, for someone who's new to watching the Harry Potter series and is looking to get a solid film or two, this is a real gem.Director:Alfonso Cuarón The third installment in the Harry Potter series was directed by Alfonso Cuarón, who has been nominated for an Academy Award in the past. While he hasn't been nominated for anything since 2006, when he won three Oscars for Best Director, Best Original Screenplay and Best Film Editing in the film 'Children of Men', he has been very active in other aspects. With this being his third film in the Harry Potter series, it's probably a safe bet to say that Cuarón made a good choice here. As always, the story was fine and held my attention from start to finish. The Lord Voldemort character has been around for over 20 years now, but he still manages to be scary and intimidating - something that few villains have been able to accomplish ever since he was introduced in the Harry Potter franchise. In the Harry Potter world, Harry lives with his aunt and uncle at Privet Drive. He and his friends, Ron and Hermione, start their third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; but they aren't happy about it. Aunt Marge's dog bites Ron's hand and Harry has to pay for its treatment with a family heirloom: a flying car that his father used to own as a child. When the trio return to Hogwarts, they find that several students have been attacked during the summer by "Dementors" – dark creatures that eat all happiness from their victims. Professor Lupin teaches the students how to cast a Patronus Charm in order to drive away Dementors. Harry Potter then learns that Sirius Black, who allegedly betrayed his parents to Voldemort, has escaped from the wizard prison of Azkaban. He is believed to be after Harry, who is the only one believed to be capable of destroying him. The acting was fantastic as always; Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint played their roles perfectly again. While seeing more of Alan Rickman as Professor Snape was great; he put on an amazing performance as usual. While I didn't like the Dementor's design (I felt like they were lacking) since their design wasn't really explained in the book or movie; everything else about this movie was done perfectly right down to the very last detail. cfa1e77820

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